Upgrading your boosters
Your boosters can be upgraded mid-race. Upgraded boosters give you more brute force but they also consume energy at a faster rate.
Each vehicle component starts at ‘Stage 0’ and has three upgrade stages, ‘Stage 1’ through to ‘Stage 3’. Each upgrade stage is more expensive than the previous, and gives you additional power to match.
How and when to use it
As with all resources, there’s a trade-off when using Energy. Are you better off using it to boost, to get a quick hit of speed to help capture Sectors, or are you better off saving up and buying a vehicle upgrade, which will give you a benefit that you’ll have until the end of the race?
Using Boost is great if you want to quickly capture, or defend, a sector time. This can be a great pay off, as you can get your Energy back when you’re in a sector that you own. However, if you use too much Energy on Boost, then you can fall behind on your vehicle upgrades, which can see your opponents flying past you without even needing to boost at all.
You’ll want to use a mix of both spending Energy on Boost, and spending it on Upgrades and Abilities.
Energy management is key to victory, so you’ll want to keep an eye on your Energy Meter, and your opponents’ strategies, at all times.
*More on vehicle upgrades in a separate article coming soon.
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